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Dehghani: The strategic role of the university in the evolution of food and agriculture value chains

The event of Fan Bazaar and the exhibition for the increase of fruit trees was held with the presence of the Vice President of Science, the President of Islamic Azad University and officials from the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the opening ceremony of the "Fan Bazaar and Exhibition for Increase of Fruit Trees" event, which was held in the presence of Azad University President Mohammad Mahdi Tehranchi, stated: Azad University has undergone a paradigm shift during the new management period. The fact that Azad University is moving towards a university that does entrepreneurship and develops technology shows the dynamism of this university.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the fact that Islamic Azad University has faculty members who are familiar with the industry and market environment as one of the important features of this university and added: The first feature of the university is having professors and students who think about knowledge-based economic issues and in this respect, they are more interested in technology development issues. Azad University professors have generally been business owners who have strong connections with the industry and are interested in being present in the university environment. This is the main advantage of Azad University, that is, having human resources with scientific ability and familiar with business.

He said that I don't think we have a university in the Middle East that has such a vast and diverse infrastructure, and continued: Islamic Azad University has infrastructural capabilities in any geographical area we consider. The huge infrastructure of Azad University, which no other university in the Middle East has this level of infrastructure, the physical space, land, real estate, agricultural land and geographical extent of this university is a unique opportunity, and in fact, this leads to the creation of a wide network of facilities and achievements.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: the issue of fruitful trees and modern agriculture with education, technology and innovation is considered one of the most important issues in the country. There is defense security and health in the country, and food security and social security should be given special attention. If these four security are formed in a special way, a resistance economy will be formed in the country, which will provide the platform for the next actions.

The formation of good currents is more important than big events. Big events may take time, but it is big currents that can shape the fundamental transformation and follow the remnants of the authorities.

The opening of the first Fan Bazaar event and exhibition for increase of fruit trees was held with the presence of Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi, President of Islamic Azad University, Abdullah Ghasemi Pirbalooti, Scientific Secretary of the event and President of Islamic Azad University, Quds City Branch, Esmael Eslami, President of Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch, Mohammad Mehdi Broumandi, Deputy Director of Horticulture Affairs, Ministry of Jihad, Agriculture and a group of officials. On the sidelines of this ceremony, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Vice-Chancellor of Technology Research and Innovation and the Vice-Chancellor of Horticulture in the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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